The Eden of India


Publisher:                   Kathalok Publications, Bangalore

First edition:               July 2006

Price:                           Rs. 500/- Foreign 250$ (including postage)


It is about Kashmir, the Eden of India. Zafar, an ardent journalist for long was longing for a blissful marital life. Afsana, an extremely enlightened woman was hankering for a commendable spouse.  In its quest, Zafar lost his life and Afsana lost her love.

Zafar, leading an impassive life despite nuptial knot with Nishath, was obsessed with gorgeous Afsana, his highly educated assistant who too was equally desperate due to her marriage with Fairoze, an uneducated and unemployed youth. They were about to venture into a blissful relations when Fairoze gets the inkling and decides to kill Zafar. Now, he had two options. Either get slayed or scamper.

Zafar, at the advice of his boss flees to Srinagar for reporting on escalating militancy.  During his reporting in a violent environment, while he was striving to soothe a militant to spurn the violent path, he was knocked down by an extremist. As he was efficaciously persuading another to make peace with Delhi, he was being shadowed by IB, ISI and CIA agents for tenuous suspicions. Meanwhile, Zafar had developed rapturous relations with Sahiba, whose husband had become the victim of a religious fanatic. This became an honour for Iqbal, her brother. On the day, when he trekked to the bus depot with a peace document from the militant to proceed to Delhi to submit it to the Home Minister, four men followed him. From the depot, he scurried to a theatre in proximity to squander the time due to delay in the bus. At the end of the show, the security found a deep bleeding gash in his head.  Zafar had escaped death in Bangalore to embrace it in Srinagar. It remained an enigma as who in the dark haze had impaled a slug in the haven of his head.